Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rabbit, Run

they all run along together like sticks in a stream 22

But he is going eat, the worst direction 24

He doesn't drive five miles before this road begins to feel like a part of the same trap. 24

Laws aren't ghost in this country, they walk around with the smell of earth on them. 25

"The only way to get somewhere, you know, is to figure out where you're going before you go there" 26

all this phony business, this twentieth-century vitamin racket 27

The farther he drives the more he feels some great confused system...reaching for him 29

31 out of america

he sees the map whole, a net, all those red lines and blue lines and stars, a net her is somewhere caught in 33

He wishes he had a cigarette, to help him decide what his instinct is 34

He feels the faded night he left behind in this place as a net of telephone calls and hasty trips, trail of tears and strings of words...faded but still existent... 37

his appetite's innocent gusto 55

"Of course, all vagrant think they're on a quest. At least at first. 110

His life seems a sequence of grotesque poses assumed to no purpose, a magic dance empty of belief. 170

Right and wrong aren't dropped from the sky. We. We make them. Against misery. 240

Funny, how what makes you move is so simple and the field you must move in is so crowded...He feels his inside as very real suddenly, a pure blank space in the middle of a dense net...Its smallness fills him like a vastness. 264

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