Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gravity's Rainbow Borders

"We are obsessed with building labyrinths, where before there was open plain and sky. To draw ever more complex patterns on the black sheet. We cannot abide that openness: it is terror to us" (264)

"In ordinary times...the center always wins. ITs power grows with time, and that can't be reverseed, not by ordinary means. Decentralizing, back toward anarchism, needs extraordinary times...this War—this increadible War—just for the moment has wiped out the proliferation of little states that's prevailed in Germany for a thousand years. Wiped it clean. Opened it." / "Sure. For how long?"... "No. Taking land is building more fences. We want to leave it open. We want it to grow, to change. In the openness of the German one, our hope is limitless" (265)

"Same problmes of control. But more intense. As to some musical ears, dissonance is really a higher form of consonance..../..."But mistakes are part of it too—everything fites. One see how it fits, ja? learns patterns, adjusts to rhythms, one day you are no longer an actor, but free now, over on the other side of the camera...even those that reach the final row, are condemned to creep in two dimensions, and no Tower will ever rise or descend—no: flight has been given only to the Springer!" (494)

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