Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Long Day's Journey into Night All

More stage direction. Not comedy or tragedy, just a thing.

"all the volumes have the look of having been read and reread" (1611)

"But the actor shows in all his unconscious habits of speech, movement and gesture. These have the quality of belonging to a studied technique" (1611).

"his habitual expression of cynicism it gives his countenance a Mephistophelian cast" (1614)

"Forget everything and face nothing! It's a convenient philosophy (1615)

"Yes, that's right, she did stop to listen outside his room...It was her being in the spare room that scared me. I couldn't help remembering that when she starts sleeping alone in there, it has always been a sign—" (1622) Always reading each other.

"If there was only some place I could go to get away for a day, or even an afternoon, some woman friend I could talk to—not about anything serious, simply laugh and gossip and forget for awhile" (1626) Stifled womanhood

"He doesn't understand a home. He doesn't feel at home in it. And yet, he want a home" (1632).

"Here's how" (1634) drinking. performative speech?

"In a real home one is never lonely" (1637)

Increasingly detached mother - characters that have to splinter

"I've never missed a performance in my life. That's the proof" (1641)

"If you're that far gone into the past already, when it's only the beginning of the afternoon, what will you be tonight?" (1642) compare to Death of a Salesman

"You mustn't remember! You mustn't humiliate me so!" (1643)

"The past is the present, isn't it? It's the future, too" (1643)

Dead baby 1643, compare to Woolf

1647 - hiding in herself, away from the others the audience

"So maimed and crippled! You would think they'd been through some horrible accident" (1650)

"And he was handsomer than my wildest dream, in his make-up and his nobleman's costume that was so becoming to him. He was different from all ordinary men, like someone from another world" (1651)

"I don't remember!...Can't you forget—?...I'm sorry I remembered out loud" (1655)

"I can tell when you're acting!" (1659)

"Enough is not as good as a feast" (1662)

"The fog was where I wanted to be. Halfway down the path you can't see this house. You'd never know it was here...to be alone with myself in another world where truth is untrue and life can hide from itself....The fog and the sea seemed part of each other. It was like walking on the bottom of the sea. As if I had drowned long ago. As if I was a ghost belonging to the fog, and the fog was the ghost of the sea. It felt damned peaceful to be nothing more than a ghost within a ghost" (1663)

"We are such stuff as manure is made on, so let's drink up and forget it" (1663)

"We don't seem able to avoid unpleasant topics, do we?" (1666)

"The hardest thing to take is the blank wall she builds around her. Or it's more like a bank of fog in which she hides and loses hereself...It's as if, in spite of loving us, she hated us!" (1667)

"It's not true the way you look at it!" (1669)

"What the hell was t I wanted to buy, I wonder, that was worth—" (1672)

"For a second there is meaning! Then the hand lets the veil fall and you are alone, lost in the fog again, and you stumble on toward nowhere, for no good reason! It was a great mistake, my being born a man, I would have been much more successful as a sea gull or a fish" (1674)

"I shall give the art of acting back to the performing seal, which are its most perfect expression" (1677)

1667 Roads

"I love you more than I hate you. My saying what I'm telling you now proves it. I run the ish you'll hate me—and you're all I've got left" (1686) audience, art

"Seal are intelligent and honest. They don't put up any bluffs about the Art of Acting. They admit they're just hams earning their daily fish" (1682)

"I fell in love with James Tyrone and was so happy for a time" (1685) see also Isn't it pretty to think so.

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