Tuesday, November 30, 2010


"Who bears the brunt of our America / And try to wrench her impulse into art"

"Had not one style from birth, but tried and pried / And stretched and tampered with the media"

" I am old enough now to make friends. / It was you that broke the new wood, / Now is a time for carving, / We have one sap and one root— / Let there be commerce between us.

"In a half savage country, out of date"

"The age demanded an image / Of its accelerated grimace, / Something for the modern stage, / Not, at any rate, an Attic grace" (Hugh Selwyn Mauberley - II)

"All things are a flowing, / Sage Heracleitus says; / But a tawdry cheapness / Shall outlas out days"

"There died a myriad, / And of the best, among them, / For an old bitch gone in the teeth, / For a botched civilization"

"Poetry, her border of ideas, / The edge, uncertain, but a means of blending / With other strata / Where the lower and higher have ending"

"Siftings on siftings in oblivion, / Till change hath broken down / All things save Beauty alone"

Cantos: The Odyssey - the speaking dead

anti usury

"1. Direct treatment of the 'thing' whether subjective or objective"
"2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation"

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